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How do I get my cash drawer connected to my POS printer to open when receipts are turned Off or when the No Sale button is pressed?
Most POS printers automatically open the cash drawer whenever a receipt is printed. However, if you turn receipts off in the system, the cash drawer doesn’t receive the open command from the printer. To circumvent this and make it open whenever a sale is made or the no sale button is pressed, you need to do the following.
Step 1: First go into your printers folder and share the POS printer. Make a note of the share name allocated to it.
Step 2: Open Control Professional and go to Tools, Point of Sale, Configure POS Receipt Printer. In the open cash drawer field (near the bottom) enter the ASCII codes that open the cash drawer. These can be found in the manual for the model printer you are using. Generally though the following codes work for most: 027:112:048:050:250
Step 3: For the shared printer type the following: \\computername\sharename (Note that you need to replace computername with the name of your computer and also replace sharename with your printer’s share name.)
Step 4: Click the Test button to confirm that the drawer opens. If it does – you’ve done it!